
The program of Dhagpo Kundreul Ling

Cultivate Your Inner Wealth

Everyone aspires to lasting happiness free from all suffering. Living in a complex and constantly changing society generates confusion and dissatisfaction. For twenty-five centuries, the Buddha’s teachings have invited us to cultivate our inner wealth by developing kindness and discernment.

Even today, the values conveyed by Buddhism lead us to better express our humanity by taking care of ourselves, others, and the world. Through the three aspects of practice– study, meditation and daily practice – we become more aware of how we perceive our environment and our true nature.

“To study means to learn the Dharma. It involves reflecting upon it, pondering its meaning precisely and understanding it. This is what will allow one to take the teaching as a reference. And it is on this foundation that meditation or practice will be supported by study.”

Lama Jigme Rinpoche

Choosing a Course

How can we identify the teachings that correspond to our needs in Dhagpo Kundreul Ling rich and varied program? To help us orient ourselves, the courses are divided into three areas:
Discovery, Institute and Meditation.

Discovery - Access New Resources


Access New Resources

Courses :

  • Exploration allows us to value the Buddha’s teaching and its timeless message, the center and the opportunities it offers, and–progressively–our own value or inner wealth.
  • Resources allow us to access resources that help us face the challenges of everyday life, to live with awareness, and to better understand our functioning and our relationships with others.
  • Introduction allows us to discover the essential notions of Buddhism and prepare for the Institute and Meditation courses.
Institute - Deepen Your Understanding


Deepen Your Understanding

Studying the essential notions and fundamental texts of Buddhism allows us to  :

  • Acquire knowledge that changes our vision of ourselves and our environment;
  • Give a direction to our meditation and our daily life;
  • Know what to cultivate and what to give up in order to progress on the path.
Meditation - Calming and Clarifying the Mind


Calming and Clarifying the Mind

Associated with key notions of Buddhism, meditation allows you to:

  • Become familiar with relaxation and awareness useful to daily life;
  • Cultivate an inner view and train oneself to remain in the natural state of mind, free of agitation ;
  • Unveil deep, experiential knowledge of our true nature and that of the world of appearances.


Register online using the following form:

Register by phone with the reception office +334.


In order to make the teachings accessible to as many people as possible, we offer workshops, meals, and accommodation at a reasonable cost.

  • A Support contribution provides access to teaching for a greater number of people.
  • A Classic contribution allows us to maintain the quality of our welcome.

DISCOVERY / Exploration

In the Footsteps of the Buddha

A two days discovery of the place and its artistic heritage. This weekend is also an opportunity to become familiar with the fundamental principles of Buddhism and to try Buddhist meditation. A stroll through the temples, gardens and bamboo grove, discovering Buddha and his timeless approach.

On-site meals and accommodation available.

Open to all.

  • Participant(s): Community residents.
  • Languages: This program is also available in English and German, by request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Please visit the reception office on arrival.
  • Contribution to teaching, €20 per day.

Saturday, October 26, and Sunday, October 27.

Saturday, November 23, and Sunday, November 24.

Saturday, February 8, and Sunday, February 9.

DISCOVERY / Exploration

A Day to Discover Buddhism.

Take a day to discover the location and its artistic heritage, and participate in an introduction to meditation in the main temple of Dhagpo Kundreul Ling.

Option 1

10:30 AM: Guided tour of the Grand Temple.

2:30 PM to 4:00 PM: Introduction to Buddhist meditation.

Option 2

2:30 PM to 4:00 PM: Introduction to Buddhist meditation.

4:30 PM: Guided tour of the Grand Temple.

Please register at least 48 hours in advance. On-site meals are available, and a picnic area is provided.

  • Participant(s): Community residents.
  • Languages: This program is also available in English and German, by request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Please visit the reception office on arrival.
  • Contribution to teaching: €17 per day.

Sunday, October 6.

Sunday, December 8.

Saturday, January 18.

Sunday, March 16.

Sunday, April 27.


From Monday, October 21, to Friday, October 25

Buddha Sangye Menla – Practice Retreat

Pacifying the ailments of body and mind

The practice of the Medicine Buddha pacifies afflictions and illnesses. Its benefits include protecting us from premature deaths and unfortunate outcomes destinies, and supports favouring rebirth in Dewachen. This retreat is intended for people who have already received instructions for this ritual. It is focused on practice, alternating with periods of explanation.


  • Having taken refuge is essential.
  • Required text: The practice of Sangye Menla.
  • Participant(s) : Lama Trinley.
  • Languages: This program is also available in English and German, on request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Temple of Laussedat.
  • Contribution per day: €21 (support) / €14 (classic).


Saturday, November 2, and Sunday, November 3

Buddha Amitabha – Approach to Practice

Rebirth in Dewachen

Amitabha, the Buddha of Infinite Light, is associated with the realm of Dewachen. The practice of this meditation allows one to create, for oneself and for others, the causes for rebirth in this pure land. These two days provide an opportunity to receive the introductory explanation of the short Amitabha practice and the aspirations for rebirth in this pure land.



  • Having taken refuge is essential
  • Required text: The practice of Amitaba.
  • Participant(s) : Lama Teundroup Puntso.
  • Languages: This programme is also available in English and German, upon request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Temple of Laussedat.
  • Contribution per day: €21 (support) / €14 (classic).


From Friday, November 8, to Sunday, November 10

The truth of origin – Teaching restitution

The afflicting obscurations – Final part

Based on the teachings of khenpo Chödrak Tenphel Rinpoche.

A few days after attaining enlightenment, the Buddha taught for the first time the Four Noble Truths: the truth of suffering, the truth of the origin of all suffering, the truth of cessation, and the truth of the path. The second truth explains how different states of mind and the actions that result from them are the causes for the appearance of worlds and beings. This second truth is the cause of the first, the truth of suffering; it is to be abandoned.

It is presented in two parts: actions and afflicting obscurations. The afflicting obscurations are the causes of actions. Their definitions, the cause of their appearance, the way they function and unfold, etc. are explained. These detailed explanations allow us to develop more clarity about the different states of mind that we experience in order to identify those that are to be cultivated and those that are to be abandoned. This teaching is based on the eighth chapter of Entry into the state of pandit composed by 1st Ju Mipham Rinpoche, an eminent and accomplished scholar of the 19thth century.

During the previous course, the beginning of this part was explained; in this course, we will continue its detailed explanation.


  • Participant(s): Institute students.
  • Languages: This program is also available in English and German, on request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Temple of Laussedat.
  • Contribution per day: €21 (support) / €14 (classic).
  • This teaching will take place both in-person and simultaneously online via Zoom. For connection details specific to this course, please contact the reception.

DISCOVERY / Introduction

Saturday, November 16 and Sunday, November 17

Introduction to Buddhist Meditation

The practice of meditation leads to a more peaceful mind, a mind more at ease. As our mind becomes relaxed, events that usually disturb us lose their importance and we consider them less dramatically. Through meditation, the mind gradually learns to not become distracted by circumstances. When the mind is not affected by internal and external movements, it is able to discover its own stability and tranquility. A stable, undisturbed mind leads us to experience less suffering in our lives.


  • Useful book: Bondless Awakening: The Heart of Buddhist Meditation, by Shamar Rinpoche.
  • Participant(s): Lama Teundroup Puntso and Sylvain Clénet.
  • Languages: This program is also available in English and German, on request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Temple of Laussedat.
  • Contribution per day: €21 (support) / €14 (classic).


Saturday, November 30, and Sunday, December 1

Green Tara Bodhisattva – Approach to Practice

Freeing oneself from fears and obstacles

Called the Liberator, Tara is the feminine embodiment of the spontaneous activity of the Buddhas. This meditation protects one from fear, removes obstacles for oneself and others, and leads to enlightenment. These two days offer an explanation of the practice, twenty-one praises and practice sessions.


  • Having taken refuge is essential.
  • Required text: Green Tara practice.
  • Participant(s) : Lama Teundroup Puntso.
  • Languages: This programme is also available in English and German, upon request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Temple of Laussedat.
  • Contribution per day: €21 (support) / €14 (classic).


From Sunday, December 15 to Saturday, December 21

Accumulation of aspiration prayers – Kagyu Monlam

Fifth broadcast of the aspiration prayers taking place in Bodhgaya, India

The Kagyu Monlam events are among the most important for Buddhist practitioners of the Karma Kagyu school. For an entire week, they collectively recite aspiration prayers for the happiness of all.

The Kagyu Monlam offers the opportunity for people from all over the world to gather and recite prayers emanating from the profound wisdom of buddhas and bodhisattvas. The power of these aspirations is multiplied by the assembly of thousands of practitioners who, together, unite their wishes for the well-being and spiritual development of all.

This year, the community of Dhagpo Kundreul Ling will once again unite for the fifth consecutive time for the aspiration prayers. They will be broadcast from India on a big screen, from December 15 to 21, 2024.

In the presence of Gendun Rinchen and the monastic community, all practitioners are invited to join us in the main temple of Dhagpo Kundreul Ling or live on our Youtube channel for this accumulation of prayers.


From Sunday, January 5 to Thursday, January 30

The Entrance to the State of Pandit

Study Retreat – Second Year

This year, we continue the detailed study of the Entrance to the State of Pandit composed by the 1st Ju Mipham Rinpoche, an eminent scholar and accomplished master of the 19th century. It will be explained by Khenpo Wangdu, teacher and principal of the shedra of Kalimpong. This retreat allows us to deepen our study, which is the basis for reflection, meditation and activity dedicated to the benefit of others. It also offers us the opportunity to benefit from the in-depth erudition of a teacher who specialises in this particular text.

This retreat takes place from Sunday, January 5 to Thursday, January 30, lasting four weeks with five days of study each week. Participants are requested to commit to the entire retreat.

The teachings are given in Tibetan with a translation into French.

For more information on registration details, please contact the reception office.


  • Participant(s) : Khenpo Wangdu, principal of the Shri Diwakar Academy in Kalimpong, India
  • Languages: This program is also available in English and German, on request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Main temple of Dhagpo Kundreul Ling.
  • Contribution to the teaching: please contact the reception office.

DISCOVERY / Introduction

Saturday, February 1

Introduction to the Three Turns of the Wheel of Dharma

Whatever we do, we always suffer from a lack that we can never fill. From this observation, the Buddha invites us to question the validity of our certainties and our way of functioning. This allows us to act more effectively, with true understanding.Through examples from our daily lives, we can follow the thread that underlies the three cycles of the Buddha’s teachings. By applying these teachings, our minds can reach liberation, moving from the confusion of ego to the compassionate wisdom of the heart.


  • Participant(s) : Khenpo Wangdu, principal of the Shri Diwakar Academy in Kalimpong, India
  • Languages: This programme is also available in English and German, upon request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Main temple of Dhagpo Kundreul Ling.
  • Contribution per day: €35 (support) / €23 (classic).


Thursday, February 20 to Wednesday, February 26

Tibetan New Year ceremonies

Ritual of the Protectors.



Traditionally, the period of the new year is considered favorable for purifying the veils of the mind and for spiritual accomplishment. During the five days preceding the Tibetan New Year, we perform the ritual dedicated to the Protectors of the Dharma: this practice aims to purify the negativities of the past year. Practitioners are welcome to attend.

Thursday, February 27

Smoke Purification Ritual



On the last day of the year, this offering ritual is performed to purify the negativities of the past year.

Friday, February 28

Tibetan New Year, Year of the Wood Snake



Mahakala ritual with offering feast.
Tibetan New Year’s Day, the first new moon of the year, is particularly important for Dharma practice.

Monday, March 3

Smoke Purification Ritual



On the fourth day of the new year, this ritual allows for making offerings to beings from all the realms in order to create favorable conditions for the coming year. It is the time when we change the long banners of five colours.



Saturday, March 22, and Sunday, March 23

History of Buddhism – Teaching repetition

First part

Based on the teachings of khenpo Chödrak Tenphel Rinpoche.

The Buddhist path consists in cultivating a specific view, meditation and conduct. To embark confidently on such a path, it’s necessary to have knowledge of the tradition to which it belongs. This is why khenpo Chödrak Tenphel Rinpoche first presented the Buddhist tradition and its history. This teaching constitutes a foundation for practice in its three aspects: learning, meditation and daily implementation.



  • Participant(s) : The students of the Institute
  • Languages: This program is also available in English and German, by request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Laussedat Temple
  • Contribution per day: €21 (support) / €14 (classic).
  • This teaching will take place in-person and simultaneously online via Zoom. For connection details specific to this course, please contact the reception office.


From Saturday, March 29, to Thursday, April 3

Bodhisattva Dorje Sempa – Practice Retreat

Freeing Oneself from Negativities and Veils

These few days are dedicated to the explanation and intensive practice of Dorje Sempa. Dorje Sempa, whose mantra is called the hundred-syllable mantra, manifests the immaculate and immutable nature of the mind. This meditation, which allows for the purification of negativities and veils, reveals our deep nature to us. This retreat provides the opportunity to receive explanations of the phases of this ritual and includes practice sessions as well as question-and-answer sessions.


  • Having taken refuge is essential
  • Required text: The preliminary practices.
  • Participant(s): Lama Guesto and droupla Birgit.
  • Languages: This programme is also available in English and German, upon request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Temple of Laussedat.
  • Contribution per day: €21 (support) / €14 (classic).


From Saturday, April 5, to Friday, April 11

Presentation of the four classes of tantras

Second part

Lama Jampa Thayé continues the presentation of ways to understand the teaching of the tantras. He draws on an exceptional text by the renowned scholar Sönam Tsemo (1141-1182), a text intended for those who wish to study the Buddha’s teaching in detail in order to nourish and establish their confidence in Vajrayana in a stable manner. This work, similar to a grove of treasures, gives an inspiring description of the origin and teaching of the tantras. Moreover, it presents detailed refutations of erroneous views with great precision.

Although accessible to all, this teaching requires familiarity with Buddhist philosophical concepts.

The teaching is given in English and translated into French.

This course must be taken in its entirety.


  • Teacher : Lama Jampa Thayé is a scholar and meditation master, regent of Karma Thinley Rinpoche, and a master in the Sakya and Kagyu traditions. Of British origin, he is the author of numerous works on Buddhism.
  • Languages: This program is available in English and French. It is also available in German upon request during registration.
  • Location: Main temple of Dhagpo Kundreul Ling.
  • Contribution per day: €35 (support) / €23 (classic).


From Saturday, April 19, to Wednesday, April 23

Bodhisattva Chenrezig – Practice Retreat

Cultivating Universal Compassion

An aspect of wisdom is the expression of the qualities of the awakened mind present in everyone. Chenrezig represents universal compassion and om mani padme houng is the mantra associated with him. Meditating on Chenrezig gradually dispels the veils that cover our inner wealth and matures compassion within us. This retreat is an opportunity to deepen the understanding of this practice and to apply oneself to it more intensively.


  • Having taken refuge is essential
  • Required text: The practice of Chenrezik.
  • Participant(s) : Lama Teundroup Puntso.
  • Languages: This programme is also available in English and German, upon request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Temple of Laussedat.
  • Contribution per day: €21 (support) / €14 (classic).


From Saturday, April 19, to Friday, April 25

Tibetan – First approach

This intensive course is designed for those who have never studied this language before. It allows participants to quickly learn how to read Tibetan, write it, and look up words in the dictionary – essential prerequisites for studying Tibetan Buddhist texts.



      • No prior knowledge is required.
      • Participant(s): Institute students.
      • Location: Library.
      • Contribution per day: €21 (support) / €14 (classic).

DISCOVERY / Introduction

Saturday, April 12 and Sunday, April 13

Introduction to Buddhist Meditation

The practice of meditation leads to a more peaceful and at ease mind. As our mind becomes relaxed, events that usually disturb us lose their importance and we consider them less dramatically. Through meditation, the mind gradually learns to no longer be distracted by circumstances. When the mind is not affected by internal and external movements, it is able to discover its own stability and tranquility. A stable, undisturbed mind leads us to experience less suffering in our life.


  • Useful book: Boundless Awakening: The Heart of Buddhist Meditation, by Shamar Rinpoche.
  • Participant(s) : Tendzin Wangchouk
  • Languages: This program is also available in English and German, on request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Library
  • Contribution to the teaching, per day: €21 (support) / €14 (standard).


From Friday, May 9, to Sunday, May 11

History of Buddhism – Teaching repetition

Second part

Based on the teachings of khenpo Chödrak Tenphel Rinpoche.

The Buddhist path consists in cultivating a specific view, meditation and conduct. To embark confidently on such a path, knowledge of the tradition to which it belongs is necessary. This is why we khenpo Chödrak Tenphel Rinpoche first presented the Buddhist tradition and its history. This teaching constitutes a foundation for practice in its three aspects: learning, meditation and daily implementation.


  • Participant(s) : The students of the Institute
  • Languages: This program is also available in English and German, on request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Laussedat Temple
  • Contribution per day: €21 (support) / €14 (classic).
  • This teaching will take place both in-person and simultaneously online via Zoom. For connection details specific to this course, please contact the reception.

DISCOVERY / Introduction

From Wednesday, May 21, to Sunday, May 25

Introduction to meditation and the making of mantra scrolls

One of the specific activities at Dhagpo Kundreul Ling is the filling and consecration of statues. For this, it is necessary to prepare mantra scrolls intended to fill the statues. This course, dedicated to the practice of meditation, also includes sessions for making mantra scrolls, accompanied by recitation of the great compassion mantra. The time devoted to the mantra scrolls is considered as practice sessions.


  • This course is accessible to beginners.
  • Participant(s) : Lama Teundroup Puntso.
  • Languages: This programme is also available in English and German, upon request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Mantra workshop.
  • Contribution to the teaching, per day: €21 (support) / €14 (standard).


From Tuesday, May 27, to Sunday, June 1

Green Tara Bodhisattva – Practice Retreat

Called the Liberator, Tara is the feminine embodiment of the spontaneous activity of the Buddhas. Her meditation protects one from fear, removes obstacles for self and others, and leads to enlightenment. This retreat offers guidance for making torma, the word-for-word translation of the twenty-one praises and practice sessions


  • Having taken refuge is essential This retreat is intended only for people who have already received instructions on this practice; for a first approach to Green Tara practice, see Saturday, November 30 and Sunday, December 1.
  • Required text: The practice of Green Tara.
  • Participant(s) : Lama Lodreu.
  • Languages: This programme is also available in English and German, upon request at the time of registration.
  • Location: Temple of Laussedat.
  • Contribution per day: €21 (support) / €14 (classic).

4, Le Bost
63640 Biollet
Tel.: 04 73 52 24 34